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Cecilia Gotherstrom


I was totally blown away with the Soul Guidance Reading by David. The Ascended Master energies came in so strong I could feel the energy through his words even though we were on Skype in two different countries with an ocean separating us and not in the same physical space.


The guidance I got was so clear, so in your face that there was no way you could turn around and pretend there hadn’t been a huge shift taken place. Within seconds it was very clear that from here on your task is to steer your ship in the direction of that strong guidance with full faith and trust in all you received.


It took around a week for me to allow the information and guidance to integrate in my whole system, and after two weeks I felt entirely recalibrated – as if your glasses had just been polished and your spine had become longer, stronger and more centered.


This is the strongest reading I have ever experienced, be prepared to receive as this guidance comes in I would say and do give yourself the gift of booking one of these readings. Love yourself enough to do that!

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